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Housing Price Prediction

Python and Machine Learning

  • A machine learning project based on Kaggle Housing Price Prediction competition using XGBoost. Got a score of 14997.
  • The project has all the steps including Preprocessing which fixes missing data and categorical data, and Pipeline which streamlines the process in a single step from fitting and predicting the data.

Distributed Cloud (KLA+ Hackathon'20)

Python and Flask

  • A distributed cloud storage like google drive using Flask, where user can store and retrieve any files.
  • All files are chunked based on the json provided and stored in servers with load balancing.
  • End to End Encryption on chunks to provide extra security.

URL Shortner

Python and Flask

  • A Python application built using Flask, which shortens the URL.
  • Implemented APIs for user registration and shorten the URL either by registered user or Anonymous.
  • Built the application using OOPs concepts and also implemented appropriate exception handling and CI/CD.

Mystery Maze (Live Event, Version'19)

Unity, AR and Android

  • An augmented reality treasure hunt game which gives a clue to the person on scanning specific image targets.
  • The application has 3D Maps using Mapbox and AR using Vuforia engine.

Food Web

Python, Flask, Tkinter and Angular

  • A GUI based application to monitor the species in an ecosystem such as a forest or river etc.
  • It shows all the species along with their predators and prey in visual format as graph.
  • In case of Disasters such as forest fires, we can register deaths of certain species which in tell which species are getting affected.

Covid-19 Chatbot

Python, React and RASA

  • A GUI based application to respond to various queries by users regarding Covid-19.
  • The application is built using RASA framework, which is built using Keras and trains the model based on various user stories.
  • The Chatbot GUI is built using React, where user interacts and type their questions and get queries. The application also shows realtime count of infected people in a particular state or country.

Choppy Copter (Live Event, Version'19)

Java, libgdx and Android

  • A Java game built using libgdx, where user need to fly the copter preventing it from hitting the obstacles.
  • The application has realtime score tracking, where the user's high score are updated to database.

Snakes & Ladders (Machine Coding)


  • A Snakes and Ladders game built using python, using various OOAD principles.
  • The application takes input from the user with various options such as number of snakes, ladders, different types of dice etc.
  • Also added unit testing to some of the methods.