Given a list of items, their weight and their value Find the max value someone can get with a constraint of total weight W.
W = 5
val = [1 2 4 5]
wi = [5 4 8 6]
We have two cases take or not_take
take if only curr_weight allows
else skip
Base case if ind == 0:
take only if e can
TC: (2^n) ~> Exponential
SC: O(n) ~> Stack Space
def find_max_profit(W, wei, val):
def recurse(ind, rem_weight):
if ind == 0:
if rem_weight >= wei[ind]:
return val[ind]
return 0
take = 0
if wei[ind] <= rem_weight:
take = val[ind] + recurse(ind-1, rem_weight-wei[ind])
not_take = recurse(ind-1, rem_weight)
return max(take, not_take)
return recurse(len(wei)-1, W)
We have two cases take or not_take
Take the above cases and memoize it
TC: O(n^2)
SC: O(n^2) + O(n) Stack Space
def find_max_profit(W, wei, val):
dp = [[-1]*(W+1) for _ in range(len(val))]
def recurse(ind, rem_weight):
if ind == 0:
if rem_weight >= wei[ind]:
dp[ind][rem_weight] = val[ind]
return dp[ind][rem_weight]
dp[ind][rem_weight] = 0
return dp[ind][rem_weight]
if dp[ind][rem_weight] != -1:
return dp[ind][rem_weight]
take = 0
if wei[ind] <= rem_weight:
take = val[ind] + recurse(ind-1, rem_weight-wei[ind])
not_take = recurse(ind-1, rem_weight)
dp[ind][rem_weight] = max(take, not_take)
return dp[ind][rem_weight]
return recurse(len(wei)-1, W)
Base Case:
if ind == 0:
if rem_weight >= wei[ind]:
return val[ind]
return 0
converting it to Tabulation:
we know it is called only if ind == 0
abut rem_weight can be any in the range Weights
also the min wt can be wt[0]
TC: O(n^2)
SC: O(n^2)
def find_max_profit(n, max_weight, wt, val):
dp = [[0]*(max_weight+1) for _ in range(len(val))]
for w in range(wt[0], max_weight+1):
dp[0][w] = val[0]
for ind in range(1, n):
for w in range(1, max_weight+1):
take = 0
if wt[ind] <= w:
take = val[ind] + dp[ind-1][w-wt[ind]]
not_take = dp[ind-1][w]
dp[ind][w] = max(take, not_take)
return dp[-1][-1]
We knoe the look up table is only
the prev row.
So convert dp = 1D array and create
a new 1D array each time for the
second loop and replace it
TC: O(n^2)
SC: O(n)