Striver’s SDE Sheet

Source: Striver’s A2Z DSA Sheet


1. Duplicate in Array
2. Find Repeating and Missing
3. Search in sorted 2D Matrix

1. Set Matrix Zeroes
2. Print Spiral Matrix
3. Next Permutation
4. Sort Array of 0, 1 and 2
5. Kadane’s Algorithm
6. Stock Buy and Sell
7. Longest Consecutive Sequence

1. Rotate Matrix
2. Pascal’s Triangle
3. Merge Intervals
4. Count Inversions
5. Merge Sorted Arrays
6. Majority Element N/2 times
7. Majority Element N/3 times
8. Grid Unique Paths
9. Reverse Pairs
10. Longest Subarray with 0 Sum
11. Longest Substring with non repeating characters
12. Max Subarray Product
13. 3 Sum
14. Trapping Rainwater

Linked List

1. Reverse Linked List
2. Middle of Linked List
3. Merge Sorted Linked List
4. Remove nth from end
5. Delete a node
6. Cycle in Linked List
7. Intersection of Linked Lists

1. Clone Linked List with Random Pointer
2. Reverse Nodes in k-Group

Greedy Algorithm

1. Max number of meetings
2. Max Platforms
3. Job Sequencing


1. Print All Subsequences of a String
2. Palindrome Partitioning
3. Kth Permutation
4. Rat in a Maze

Dynamic Programming

1. Edit Distance


1. Eventual Safe States