1. Count Inversions
2. Reverse Pairs
1. Min cost to combine Gold
2. Sort k-sorted Array
1. 0-1 Knapsack
2. Coin Change
3. Rod Cutting
1. Buy and Sell Stock
2. Buy and Sell Stocks 2
3. Buy and Sell Stocks 3
DP on Subsequences:
1. Longest Common Subsequence
2. Print Longest Common Subsequence
3. Longest Common Substring
4. Longest Common Palindromic Subsequence
5. Min Insertions to make Palindromic
6. Smallest Common Supersequence
7. Count Subset with target Sum
1. Trie Implementation
2. Trie with word, pref count
1. Shorten Mathematical Expression
1. Preorder
2. Inorder
3. Postorder
4. Levelorder
1. Boundary View
2. Root to Node Path
3. Max Path Sum
4. Width of Binary Tree
5. Diameter of Binary Tree
6. Lowest Common Ancestor
7. Min Time to Burn Binary Tree
1. Alien Dictionary
2. Shortest Path Unit Edges
3. Dijkstra’s Algorithm
4. Detect Cycle in Undirected Graph
5. Detect Cycle in Directed Graph
6. Topological Sort
7. Bipartite Graph
8. Prim’s Algorithm
9. Union Find
10. Kruskal’s Algorithm
11. Bridges in a Undirected Graph
12. Artiuculation Point
13. Kosaraju’s Algorithm
14. Bellman Ford’s Algorithm