Problem Statement:
Given a playlist of songs, you have to design a song shuffler.
This song shuffler is not like the normal song shuffler that shuffles the complete playlist at the start and returns a shuffled list, but instead when asked for a next song to be played, returns a random song from the list of songs.
The next random song to be played should satisfy a condition that the song was not played in the last âkâ turns.
You have to make sure, that at each call, all the eligible (not played during last k turns) songs have equal probability of being played next.
For example:
if songs = [A, B, C, D], k = 2,
then a possible random sequence of songs can be:
playNext: [ A , B , C , D ] -> return C
playNext: [ A , B , _ , D ] -> return A
playNext: [ _ , B , _ , D ] -> return B
playNext: [ _ , _ , C , D ] -> return C
(as C was not played in the last two turns,
it has an equal probability with D to be played).
We use the array for the song list.
If anytime we choose a song
we add it into the queue,
and replace the ind by the last
element of songs array
Any time if our queue length is gt
than k we pop and put it at the last
position of the array
TC: O(1)
SC: O(k)
import random
from collections import deque
class SongShuffler:
def __init__(self, songs, k):
self.songs = songs
self.k = k
self.played = deque([])
self.max_len = len(songs) - 1
def play_next(self):
idx = random.randint(0, self.max_len)
song_played = self.songs[idx]
self.songs[idx] = self.songs[self.max_len]
self.max_len -= 1
if len(self.played) > self.k:
self.max_len += 1
self.songs[self.max_len] = self.played.popleft()
return song_played