Given a string s and a dictionary of strings, return true if s can be broken into a space-separated sequence of one or more dictionary words.
word: "applepen", word_dict: ["apple", "pen", "pple"]
return: True
Step 1. Create a DP array of size + 1
Step 1. Set last to True as empty can be formed
start from last element to 0th element
for each index check all the wwords:
i.e. word[i+ len(word)] is in word_dict
if its true => dp[i] = dp[i+len(w)]
i.e. Its true if all the words after it,
is also there
Step 3. If we find a True, we simply break
as we need not to bother
Step 4. return dp[0] all the elements can
be formed.
TC: O(n^3)
SC: O(n)
def word_break(s, word_dict):
n = len(s)
dp = [False]*(n+1)
dp[-1] = True
for i in range(n-1, -1, -1):
for w in word_dict:
if i + len(w) <= n:
if s[i:i+len(w)] == w:
dp[i] = dp[i+len(w)]
if dp[i]:
return dp[0]
Step 1. Create a set of word_dict
Create a visited set()
Step 2. Initialize queue with 0
Step 3. while queue ->
we check for range queue_ele + 1
to len of word + 1:
if word[start: end] is in word_dict
we check if the end is already vis
if not put it into queue
Step 4. In any case we reach the end
of our word, we return True
TC: O(n^3)
SC: O(n)
def word_break(s, word_dict):
n = len(s)
words, visited = set(word_dict), set()
queue = collections.deque([0])
while queue:
ind = queue.pop()
for end in range(ind + 1, n + 1):
if s[ind:end] in words:
if end not in visited:
if end == n:
return True
return False