Given: recipes and the ingredients for making it supplies
Objective: Return all recipes you can make
1. Make a graph where we have each indegree representing,
supplies required to make it.
recipes = ["bread", "sandwich"]
ingredients = [["yeast","flour"], ["meat", "bread"]]
supplies = ["yeast","flour","meat"]
we can now draw the graph first.
(Consider the graph directed from upper nodes to downwards)
yeast flour
\ /
meat bread
\ /
2. Mark indegree based on number of inwards nodes.
bread => 2, sandwich => 2
3. Put all the elements from supplies in queue.
4. Start from queue and with each connection with that node,
make indegree -= 1
5. If indegree becomes 0 means it can be made. So we put it in
res set and also append it in queue that implies, we can use it
as new supply.
TC: O(n*m) ~> traversing queue
SC: O(n+m) ~> queue, O(n) ~> indegree and O(n*m) ~> adj matrix
def findAllRecipes(recipes, ingredients, supplies):
adj = defaultdict(list)
indegree = defaultdict(int)
for i in range(len(recipes)):
for item in ingredients[i]:
indegree[recipes[i]] += 1
possible_recipes = set()
queue = deque(supplies)
while queue:
recipe = queue.popleft()
for food_item in adj[recipe]:
if indegree[food_item] >= 1:
indegree[food_item] -= 1
if indegree[food_item] == 0:
return possible_recipes